
City of Helena, Montana
June 17, 2015
To: Ron Alles, City Manager

Ryan Leland, City Engineer

Randall Camp, Director of Public Works  

Subject: Change Order No. 1 to add additional streets to the 2015 Chip & Seal Project, City Project No. 15-6
Present Situation:

The 2015 Chip & Seal Project will add a new wear surface and pavement sealer by applying a single application of asphalt material followed by spreading a 3/8-inch gravel chip. 


 The City opened two bids for the project on April 7, 2015.  Helena Sand & Gravel, Inc. was the lowest responsible bidder and will be considered for award on June 29th, 2015.   
Background Information: If the City Commission awarded the 2015 Chip & Seal project, staff is proposing to add two additional streets to the project to protect more streets for the available budget.  The City could not award all schedules because of the bid and budget but propose two additional streets in need of chip and seal.  The proposed change order would be for Highland Street, from Montana Avenue to California Street, and Helena Avenue, from Montana Avenue to Sanders Street, at a cost of $54,587.34. This change order exceeds 10% of the original contract, if awarded, so Commission approval is needed.  The total contract would be $349,646.94.    
Proposal/Objective: If the City Commission awarded the 2015 Chip & Seal project, staff is proposing to add two additional streets to the project to protect more streets for the available budget.  The City could not award all schedules because of the bid and budget but propose two additional streets in need of chip and seal.  The proposed change order would be for Highland Street, from Montana Avenue to California Street, and Helena Avenue, from Montana Avenue to Sanders Street, at a cost of $54,587.34. This change order exceeds 10% of the original contract, if awarded, so Commission approval is needed.  The total contract would be $349,646.94.    
Advantage: Additional streets will be protected for the existing budget.
Notable Energy Impact: The chip and seal will extend the life of the streets.
Disadvantage: No disadvantages to this award are expected.
Notice of Public Hearing: N/A
Staff Recommendation:
Budget Worksheet