
City of Helena, Montana
June 18, 2015
To: Ron Alles, City Manager

Kevin Hart, Utility Maintenance Superintendent

Randall Camp, Public Works Director

Subject: Consider a Memorandum of Understanding among six (6) MS4 communities to cost-share consultant services for review of MPDES storm water permitting.
Present Situation: The seven largest cities, collectively known as the traditional MS4 cities, have entered into an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Environmental Quality to collaboratively review and develop a 3rd generation storm water MPDES permit.  This action was taken following concern that an initial proposed permit intended for reauthorization was deemed onerous and costly, and had inherent inequities regarding treatment of storm water issues among counties and cities which needed to be dealt with before moving forward.  The parties signed an MOU to address the concerns and work toward common understanding and consensus implementation of the next generation of this permit.  The seven MS4 cities through the proposed MOU seek to equally share in funding costs for consultant work on behalf of the MS4 cities.  Billings has volunteered to administer the consultant contract and do periodic billings to other cites to split the costs of the effort.  If signed, the MOU would obligate Helena to one seventh of the costs of the consultant agreement, projected to be about $17,500 based on the agreed to scope of work (Exhibit A).  Funds would come from contracted services line item in the storm water budget.
Background Information: The proposed MOU, incorporating the consultant contract, will provide the mechanism and vehicle to allow cost participation by the signatories who will benefit from the expertise of the consultant in furtherance of the collaborative storm water effort.   
Proposal/Objective: The proposed MOU, incorporating the consultant contract, will provide the mechanism and vehicle to allow cost participation by the signatories who will benefit from the expertise of the consultant in furtherance of the collaborative storm water effort.   
Advantage: Joint participation and collaborative effort will further the interests of the MS4 cities in the development of cost efficient and consistent storm water programs for those projects, development and entities  covered by state storm water regulations.
Notable Energy Impact: No energy impacts either in terms of costs or savings were noted.
Disadvantage: None noted.
Notice of Public Hearing: N/A
Staff Recommendation:
Exhibit A and consultant agreement
MOU on reimbursement