
City of Helena, Montana
October 22, 2015
To: Ron Alles, City Manager
From: Amy Teegarden, Director of Parks and Recreation
Subject: Northwestern Energy Utility Easement at Bill Roberts Municipal Golf Course.
Present Situation: Northwestern Energy has requested easements over, under, and across two different properties located at the City golf course.  The utility services are currently installed. Northwest Energy would be authorized to maintain, replace, upgrade and remove the existing underground electric and gas infrastructure and any necessary appurtenances over, under, along and across this easement, provided the placement does not create a hazard or impede the City's use of the property.   
Background Information: Formalizing an utility easement agreement for existing services that are already installed. 
Proposal/Objective: Formalizing an utility easement agreement for existing services that are already installed. 
Advantage: The easement formalizes an existing use with improved documentation and clarification of authorized uses.
Notable Energy Impact: N/A
Disadvantage: None noted.
Notice of Public Hearing: N/A
Staff Recommendation:
NWE Utility Easement