
City of Helena, Montana
December 30, 2019
To: Ana Cortez, City Manager
From: Chris Couey, Budget Analyst
Subject: Consider a resolution creating a Business Improvement District in the city of Helena from August 11, 2020 until August 10, 2030.
Present Situation: The City created the Business Improvement District (BID) in August 2010. BID’s have a life of 10 years according to State Law. There is not a specific renewal option in State Law, but the BID may be recreated for another 10 years at the will of the City Commission.
State law requires we receive petitions from owners of at least 60% of the area of the proposed district shown in the attached “Exhibit A - Proposed BID Boundary.” The BID staff collected petitions equal to 70%. Electronic and hard copies of the signed petitions are available in the Finance office.
The current BID expires August 10, 2020.
A resolution of intention was passed on December 16, 2019 and a public hearing set for January 13, 2020.  A notice of public hearing was sent via mail to all property owners of record and published in the Independent Record. 
Background Information: Approve the resolution to create the BID for 10 additional years from August 11, 2020 until August 10, 2030.
Proposal/Objective: Approve the resolution to create the BID for 10 additional years from August 11, 2020 until August 10, 2030.
Advantage: The BID will continue to operate with no interruption.
Notable Energy Impact: N/A
Disadvantage: N/A
Notice of Public Hearing: Attached
Staff Recommendation:
Resolution to create a BID
Proposed BID Boundary
Public Notice