
City of Helena, Montana
January 30, 2020
To: Melinda Reed, Interim City Manager

Sharon Haugen, Community Development Director

Hillary Taylor, Planner II

Subject: Consider an ordinance clarifying discontinuation of Conditional Use Permits by amending Chapter 3 of Title 11 of the Helena City Code.
Present Situation: On January 13, 2020 the City Commission approved final passage of the amendments to the Conditional Use Permit Process by amending Chapter 3 of Title 11 of the Helena City Code in Ordinance Number 3279.  The Zoning Commission had recommended that there be a clarification of when the discontinuation of use is appropriate to the current time.  This discussion and amendment to the Ordinance was not included as part of the January 13, 2020 Ordinance.  Staff is bringing it forward now based on the recommendation of the Zoning Commission.  
Background Information: Clarify language about how a discontinued Conditional Use Permit may be declared void. 
Proposal/Objective: Clarify language about how a discontinued Conditional Use Permit may be declared void. 
Advantage: The proposed ordinance is in keeping with the recommendation of the Zoning Commission and will make the process clear by which a discontinued Conditional Use Permit may be declared void. 
Notable Energy Impact: Not applicable. 
Disadvantage: None identified at this time. 
Notice of Public Hearing: Attached
Staff Recommendation:
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Discontinued CUP - Amending 3279