
City of Helena, Montana
October 23, 2020
To: Helena City Commission
From: Thomas J. Jodoin, City Attorney
Subject: Appointment of Dannai Clayborn as the Clerk of the Commission.
Present Situation: The Clerk of the Commission position has been vacant since September 16, 2019. Ms. Clayborn has served as interim Clerk of the Commission since then.  Following a recruitment process Ms. Clayborn has been selected by the committee for appointment to the permanent position of Clerk of the Commission. 
Background Information:

Appoint Dannai Clayborn as the Clerk of the Commission.


Appoint Dannai Clayborn as the Clerk of the Commission.

Advantage: Fill the vacant Clerk of the Commission position.
Notable Energy Impact: N/A.
Disadvantage: None.
Notice of Public Hearing: Attached
Staff Recommendation:
No Attachments Available