
City of Helena, Montana
February 23, 2021
To: Mayor Collins and the Helena City Commission
From: City Manager Harlow-Schalk
Subject: Balancing Act Calculator - FY2021 Base Budget with Requests
Present Situation:

Requests on top of the FY2021 budget are currently being submitted by Departments and the community. The first step in the FY2022 budget process is the review of these requests on top the current budget. 


Separately, the Commission adopted its Strategic Outcomes and Key Priorities for the FY2022 budget. 


The City is engaged in its first full Strategic Plan and Budget alignment engagement process. Since adopting the Strategic Outcomes and Priorities of the Commission, requests for the FY2022 budget have begun from the community and departments. It is requested that the Commission review the questions being asked as part of the Calculator that correspond with Department and community requests in alignment with the adopted Strategic Outcomes. Once supported, the Calculator will be posted onto BeHeardHelena for input from the community. Results from community input will be brought to the March 17, 2021 Administrative Meeting for review with the Commission.


Additionally, a separate Balancing Act Calculator will be shared specific to the allocation of one-time savings from within the General Fund as the result of reimbursements by the State of Montana in response to the City's costs associated with COVID-19.

Notice of Public Hearing: Attached
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