
City of Helena, Montana
March 16, 2021
To: Mayor Collins and the Helena City Commission
From: City Manager Rachel Harlow-Schalk
Subject: COVID-19 One Year Later
Present Situation: Through the end of May 2021, the City's operations will transition from responding to COVID-19, to living with COVID-19.  This transition will include an evaluation of changes to operations and services that, due to efficiencies, will remain in place. Additionally, the business community will be engaged in a one-day event whereby City staff will request input on ways in which  businesses can be supported during the transition to living with COVID-19.
Background Information: On Friday, March 26, 2021, Lewis and Clark County commemorated the one-year since COVID-19 entered the Helena community. The City Commission is requested to agree that the community is in need of holding a commemorative event to mark the transition to living with COVID-19. Ideas may include a special lighting of the Guardian of the Gulch, implementing a ribbon program for citizens to honor those who have passed in our community, setting aside dollars from the General Fund savings to purchase tree seedlings for distribution to residents to commemorate living with COVID-19, and any other intentions the Commission believes should be implemented.
Proposal/Objective: On Friday, March 26, 2021, Lewis and Clark County commemorated the one-year since COVID-19 entered the Helena community. The City Commission is requested to agree that the community is in need of holding a commemorative event to mark the transition to living with COVID-19. Ideas may include a special lighting of the Guardian of the Gulch, implementing a ribbon program for citizens to honor those who have passed in our community, setting aside dollars from the General Fund savings to purchase tree seedlings for distribution to residents to commemorate living with COVID-19, and any other intentions the Commission believes should be implemented.
Advantage: An advantage to commemorating the transition to living with COVID-19 is a renewed commitment of the City Commission to continue to remain vigilant in its efforts to protect the community as best as possible.
Notable Energy Impact: n/a
Disadvantage: No disadvantages noted.
Notice of Public Hearing: N/A
Staff Recommendation:
No Attachments Available