
City of Helena, Montana
May 26, 2021
To: Mayor Collins, City Commissioners, and City Manager Harlow-Schalk

Sheila Danielson, Finance Director

Chris Couey, Budget Analyst

Subject: A Resolution of Intention to specify the assessment option for the Street Maintenance and Improvements District NO. 1 for Fiscal Year 2022 and levy and assess all property within the District.
Present Situation: The Helena City Commission created Street Maintenance District No. 1 (“District”) for the maintenance and improvements of all or part of the public streets in the District. The City Commission adopted City Ordinance No. 3213 amending section 7-1-8 of the Helena City Code to provide the methods of providing maintenance and improvements and paying for street maintenance and improvements within the District. The City Commission has estimated, as near as practicable, the cost of maintenance and improvements within the District for Fiscal Year 2022.
No increases are recommended for Fiscal Year 2022.
Background Information: Propose to set annual assessment rates and charges and specify assessment methodology for the District for Fiscal Year 2022 and levy and assess all property within the District in order to defray the cost of operating and maintaining the services in the District, as well as to provide for capital improvements necessary for the management of the District.
Propose that each lot or parcel of land, within the District, may be assessed for that part of the cost that its assessable area bears to the assessable area of the entire District. The City Commission has determined that commercial properties generate a larger amount of vehicle trips than residential, vacant, and mobile home properties, and such disparate vehicle trip generation results in a higher level of impacts to streets within the District; and therefore, should pay a higher annual assessment than residential, vacant, and mobile home properties per the following schedule:
Vacant or Residential - $206.16 annually
Mobile Homes - $82.46 annually
Commercial (less than 6,000 sq ft) - $360.00 annually
Commercial (6,000 sq ft or more) - $0.06/sq ft, max. $60,000 annually
Proposal/Objective: Propose to set annual assessment rates and charges and specify assessment methodology for the District for Fiscal Year 2022 and levy and assess all property within the District in order to defray the cost of operating and maintaining the services in the District, as well as to provide for capital improvements necessary for the management of the District.
Propose that each lot or parcel of land, within the District, may be assessed for that part of the cost that its assessable area bears to the assessable area of the entire District. The City Commission has determined that commercial properties generate a larger amount of vehicle trips than residential, vacant, and mobile home properties, and such disparate vehicle trip generation results in a higher level of impacts to streets within the District; and therefore, should pay a higher annual assessment than residential, vacant, and mobile home properties per the following schedule:
Vacant or Residential - $206.16 annually
Mobile Homes - $82.46 annually
Commercial (less than 6,000 sq ft) - $360.00 annually
Commercial (6,000 sq ft or more) - $0.06/sq ft, max. $60,000 annually
Advantage: Defray the cost of operating and maintaining the District and to provide for capital improvements necessary for the management of the District.
Notable Energy Impact: None
Disadvantage: None
Notice of Public Hearing: N/A
Staff Recommendation:
ROI - FY22 Street Maintenance