
City of Helena, Montana
May 26, 2021
To: Mayor Collins, City Commissioners, and City Manager Harlow-Schalk

Sheila Danielson, Finance Director

Chris Couey, Budget Analyst

Subject: A Resolution of Intention to levy assessments for improvements of sidewalks, curbs, gutters and alley approaches in the City of Helena, Montana for Tax Year 2021.
Present Situation: Title 7 Chapter 4 of the Helena City Code places the responsibility of building, maintaining, and repairing of the sidewalks, curbs, and gutters in the City right-of-way on the abutting property owner. The Helena City Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. 12075, established the City’s Sidewalk Improvement Program (“Program”) to help property owners finance the building, maintenance, and repair of sidewalks, curbs, and gutters.  Owners of property participating in the Program agreed and consented to have the sidewalks, curbs, and gutters abutting their property improved by the City and have the City levy an annual assessment for the actual costs of the work for a period of ten (10) years.
Background Information: Propose to levy assessments on all properties participating in the program and subject to the assessment for Tax Year 2021. A List of  those properties subject to the potential assessment is provided through the Finance Department for the City of Helena, 316 North Park Avenue, Helena, Montana, and is available upon request for inspection and copying during normal business hours.
Proposal/Objective: Propose to levy assessments on all properties participating in the program and subject to the assessment for Tax Year 2021. A List of  those properties subject to the potential assessment is provided through the Finance Department for the City of Helena, 316 North Park Avenue, Helena, Montana, and is available upon request for inspection and copying during normal business hours.
Advantage: Recovering the actual cost of work done on participating properties and minimizing the impact of those costs on said property owners.
Notable Energy Impact: None
Disadvantage: None
Notice of Public Hearing: N/A
Staff Recommendation:
ROI - FY22 Volunteer Sidewalks