
City of Helena, Montana
May 27, 2021
To: Mayor Collins, City Commissioners, and City Manager Harlow-Schalk

Sheila Danielson, Finance Director

Sara McConnell, Accountant

Subject: A Resolution of intention to levy and assess properties to recover the amortized loans issued under the residential energy efficiency and renewable energy loan program for Tax Year 2021.
Present Situation:

On October 5, 2015, the Commission created a Residential Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program. The program provides zero interest loans to residential property owners within the City of Helena for the purpose of purchasing and installing energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy systems.  Resolution No. 20218 requires that all loans be amortized for ten (10) years and repaid by the residential property owners through levying assessments upon all properties that have received loans under the Program. Prior to receiving loan funds under the Program, the residential property owners entered into loan agreements wherein they agreed and consented to the City levying an annual assessment on their properties for ten (10) years to recoup the amount of the loans, and the property owners further agreed to waive the right to protest such an annual assessment.


Background Information: Proposed to levy assessments on all properties participating in the program and subject to the assessment for Tax Year 2021. A List of those properties subject to the potential assessment is provided through the Finance Department for the City of Helena, 316 North Park Avenue, Helena, Montana, and is available upon request for inspection and copying during normal business hours
Proposal/Objective: Proposed to levy assessments on all properties participating in the program and subject to the assessment for Tax Year 2021. A List of those properties subject to the potential assessment is provided through the Finance Department for the City of Helena, 316 North Park Avenue, Helena, Montana, and is available upon request for inspection and copying during normal business hours
Advantage: Recovering the amortized amounts of the Residential Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loans made to the residential property owners receiving the loans in Tax Year 2021
Notable Energy Impact: None
Disadvantage: None
Notice of Public Hearing: Attached
Staff Recommendation:
22 ROI Renewable Energy Loan Tax Assessment