
City of Helena, Montana
February 14, 2023
To: City Manager, Tim Burton

David Knoepke, Transportation Systems Director

Doug Smith, Parks and Recreation Director

Subject: Tree Protection Policy Update
Present Situation:

Helena City Code Section 7-10-6: PROTECTION OF TREES DURING CONSTRUCTION reads:


"All public trees near any excavation or construction of any building, structure, or street work, must be evaluated by the department and protected if possible. The [Parks] department shall make recommendations for removal or protection of trees, determine and establish tree protection areas, and monitor tree health and conditions during and after construction. All management of trees during construction must comply with the Helena arboricultural standards."

The 2014 Arboricultural Standards includes Section 4 - "Tree Removal Standards" and Section 8 - "Protection of Trees during Construction".  The latter section discusses how trees should be protected and how project plans should be reviewed for potential impacts.  For specific recommendations it refers to another publication:

Managing Trees During Construction which is a companion publication to the ANSI A300 Part 5: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance-Standard Practices (Management of Trees and Shrubs During Site Planning, Site Development and Construction)."

Proposal/Objective: The Urban Forestry division was instrumental in crafting the attached draft language which defines a tree's Critical Root Zone of Tree Protection Zone and how to evaluate construction, excavation and other impacts.
Notice of Public Hearing: N/A
Helena Arboricultural Standards
Tree Protection Guideline Edits